Retirement Planning Services

Why is retirement planning so important? According to the Social Security Administration, when it was created in 1935 by President Franklin Roosevelt, historical life expectancies typically culminated at age 65 for men and age 70 for women.* But today, one of every couple at the age of 65 has a 25% chance of living past the age of 90. Whereas your belief system might be heavily focused on the risks associated with your investments, your greater risk is not having enough assets to last for a longer retirement. This is called Longevity Risk, and in spite of one’s belief that market risk is the greatest deterrent to a successful retirement, it’s actually the risk of outliving your retirement income.

Lifetime Income Strategies

Whatever stage of life you’re currently in, Brian helps you live it the way you want while still planning for the future. His financial management and retirement planning philosophy entails helping you reach your short-term goals without negatively impacting your long-term plans. By integrating a variety of strategies, including how and when to begin Social Security benefits, how to create “guaranteed lifetime income,” and how to account for factors like the rising costs of healthcare and inflation, he can help you navigate your golden years and allow you to retire with a greater degree of certainty.